Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Crochet Dutch Kid!

I love these photos! I couldn't stop laughing for hours.. a very nice woman from church made this outfit for Davin.. I am into homemade gifts, and just learned to crochet (a very simple scarf) this last winter, and just loved this gift. Davin however had some differing opinions... LOL! He looks like he's going in for a mug shot... like "take me now" and then after all the funny faces.. he finally gave up and fell cozy asleep for about 2 hours.

Mr. Anti-Pacifier Baby

I tried giving him a pacifier at about 4 weeks, he grabbed it with his hand, yanked it out, and started complaining... now 7 weeks he still only takes it if he's really tired.

1st picnic on the way to Youray with Mama and Nana

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Louder and bumpier the better!

When Davin is fussy and needs some help resting... we play it LOUD! He likes music, vacuums, lawmowers, moving in the car, and bumpy stroller rides... When the car stops or the pavement gets smooth for the stroller he starts to gripe!

Church Friends

These are our friends Bethany and Josh... yup another Josh.. Lol! We met them at church, and enjoyed preparing to be parents together. We all have a lot in common, and enjoy our time together. The first Sunday back to church together both babies started crying and needing a diaper change... the congregation thought it was so hilarious that the DADS were the ones to walk out with the babies while the moms stayed and listened to the speaker!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy 1st Mother's Day to me... 4 days old!

nickname: "Frodo" what a hairy monkey/elf

Slept with his arm up for 30 minutes...must be dreaming of petting the bunny

Our little elf!

Hanging with Dad

Look familiar! Even the hair line is the same as moms

Nana and Papa

6lbs.7oz. 19 1/2"

Baby Davin has made it home!

Wow! What an incredible experience... I was in labor for 27 hours... quite the long-haul. Josh was by my side walking the halls, holding trash cans while I "progressed". I took about 4 hot baths, and 3 showers within the 27 hours to help ease some of the contraction sensations. Grandma Connie made it just in time to help with the hardest part during transition... she held my head and breathed with me while Josh put counterpressure on my back... then 20 minutes of pushing and whalla! My baby was in my arms nursing at his own will within 5 minutes. I am so thankful for a healthy baby, loving support, and the chance to experience a natural labor. When Davin was first put into my arms I annouced, "This was so worth it... I'd do it all over again!" Everyone in the room looked and me and laughed... I paused, and sanely said, "In like 3 years!"

My mother-in-law Patty thought this was soooo funny!

Pregnant Gardening!

Mother like Daughter!

Arches National Park... not to be confused with lil Noah's ark...aka "my belly"

Last dinner date with just the 2 of us!